United Farmers Telephone Company Board of Directors
Front Row: John Jensen - Secretary/Treasurer, Roxanne White - CEO, Karal Saboe - Director & Dave Scholerman - Director.
Back Row: Mark Scharnberg - Director, Gary Scharnberg - Vice President, Robert “Bob” Goeken - Director & Richard “Dick” Goeken - President
About Us
Evertek, Inc., founded in 1986 and United Farmers Telephone Company, founded in 1905, is headquartered in Everly, Iowa and are both subsidiaries of Evertek Enterprises.
Evertek prides itself in offering Internet & Phone services via Fiber and wireless technologies.
With unique partnerships with Municipalities and Electrical Cooperatives, we have opened the door to new opportunities extending our coverage area while closing the gap for underserved areas in rural Iowa.
We go above and beyond for our customers and are dedicated to keeping you connected with a blend of value, security and integrity. Contact us today . . . we’ve love to serve you!